Luxury leather bags
Luxury leather bags
PU leather is an artificial Leather created to look and feel like real Leather , without using real animal Leather . It is safe to say that when you see a wallet "made of PU leather", it is not authentic leather. There are several ways to produce PU leather and the most common is the use of split leather combined with polyurethane glued onto a surface. Although PU leather is different from real leather there are still some similarities with the real thing. After all, PU leather is created to fool the sense of sight and touch. PU leather is actually one type of FAUX leather.
Polyurethane, artificial leather made from high quality plastic materials that are cheap from real animal leather. Originally used in the clothing industry for the top for shiny shoes.
PU leather is also used for upholstery and furniture with a consistent and very comfortable texture in terms of maintenance.